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JS Files

Below is the list of JavaScript files included in the Rodio – Creative Multipurpose HTML5 Template, with descriptions of their respective functions:

  • components/masonry.js: Contains the JavaScript code for managing the masonry grid layout, used for displaying items in a grid with dynamic item placement.
  • scroll/init.js: Initializes the scroll functionality, handling smooth scrolling and scroll-related animations across the page.
  • selectify/select.js: Implements the functionality for custom select dropdowns, providing an enhanced user experience for form elements.
  • selectify/selectify.js: Handles the main initialization and configuration for custom select elements, enabling interactive and styled dropdowns.
  • accordion.js: Contains functionality for the accordion-style toggle elements, allowing collapsible content sections across the template.
  • back-to-top.js: Implements the back-to-top button functionality, enabling users to scroll back to the top of the page with a single click.
  • gallery.js: Provides functionality for managing image gallery behavior, such as image popups, filtering, and navigation.
  • hero-slider-1.js: Handles the functionality for the first hero section slider, implementing animation and smooth transitions for images or content.
  • hero-slider-2.js: Manages the second variation of the hero slider, offering a different design or animation style for the hero section.
  • image-box.js: Contains functionality for image box elements, providing interactive features like hover effects and lightbox popups.
  • image.js: Provides utility functions for handling image-related features, such as lazy loading and image gallery interactions.
  • intersection.js: Contains code for detecting when elements come into view, triggering animations or other interactions as elements appear on the screen.
  • main.js: A core JavaScript file containing general site-wide functionality, handling common tasks like event listeners and initializations.
  • pre-loader.js: Implements the preloader functionality, showing a loading animation while the page or specific resources are being loaded.
  • project.js: Contains functionality specific to managing project-related content, such as project displays, details, and filtering.
  • section.js: Provides reusable utility functions for managing different sections of the page, ensuring smooth transitions and interactions.
  • swiper-bundle.min.js: Includes the Swiper library for implementing touch-friendly carousels and sliders across the template.
  • tabs.js: Contains code for managing tabbed content, allowing users to toggle between different sections of content seamlessly.
  • team-member.js: Implements functionality for displaying and interacting with team member profiles, including hover effects and popups.
  • video.js: Contains utility functions for handling video-related functionality, such as video embeds, lightboxes, and controls.

Each JavaScript file is modular and designed to control specific parts of the template, ensuring ease of maintenance and customization.