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HTML Pages

Below is the list of HTML pages included in the Rodio – Creative Multipurpose HTML5 Template along with their respective file names and descriptions:

  • 404.html: Contains the HTML5 code for the Error Page, shown when a user encounters a 404 or similar error.
  • about.html: Contains the HTML5 structure for the About Page, detailing the company's background, mission, and team.
  • archives.html: Provides the HTML5 layout for the Archives Page, displaying past articles or posts organized by date or category.
  • blog-detail.html: Includes the HTML5 code for the Blog Detail Page, showcasing individual blog posts with full content.
  • blog-masonry-2.html: Provides the HTML5 structure for the Blog Masonry Layout (Version 2), displaying blog posts in a grid style with two columns.
  • blog-masonry.html: Contains the HTML5 code for the Blog Masonry Layout (Version 1), displaying blog posts in a grid style.
  • blog-sidebar-2.html: Provides the HTML5 layout for the Blog with Sidebar (Version 2), featuring a sidebar with additional content or navigation.
  • blog-sidebar.html: Includes the HTML5 code for the Blog with Sidebar (Version 1), featuring a sidebar alongside blog posts.
  • contact.html: Includes the HTML5 structure for the Contact Us Page, featuring contact forms and location details.
  • faqs.html: Provides the HTML5 layout for the FAQs Page, answering frequently asked questions with a collapsible format.
  • gallery-2.html: Includes the HTML5 code for the Gallery Page (Version 2), showcasing images or media in a grid format.
  • gallery-3.html: Provides the HTML5 structure for the Gallery Page (Version 3), offering an alternate gallery layout.
  • home-1.html: Contains the HTML5 code for Home Page (Version 1), the primary landing page for the template.
  • home-2.html: Includes the HTML5 structure for Home Page (Version 2), offering an alternative homepage layout.
  • home-3.html: Contains the HTML5 layout for Home Page (Version 3), another variation of the homepage.
  • home-4.html: Includes the HTML5 structure for Home Page (Version 4), offering a different design style for the homepage.
  • our-team.html: Provides the HTML5 code for the Our Team Page, showcasing team members and their roles within the company.
  • project-detail.html: Includes the HTML5 structure for the Project Detail Page, highlighting specific project details, images, and descriptions.
  • projects.html: Contains the HTML5 code for the Projects Page, displaying a portfolio or list of past projects.
  • services.html: Includes the HTML5 structure for the Services Page, offering an overview of all available services.
  • testimonial.html: Provides the HTML5 layout for the Testimonial Page, showcasing customer or client feedback in a formatted manner.

Each of these pages is fully customizable to meet specific project needs, ensuring flexibility and ease of use during development.