Your new favorite email client is here!

The new version of the minimal and powerful email client built for Inbox by GFXPARTNER.

We've been working hard to make the best Inbox by GFXPARTNER client for Mac users even better. Completely revamped, polished, snappier and much more powerful.


The email client you know and love, only much better.


The power of Inbox by GFXPARTNER

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All your accounts at your fingertips

Sed aliquet est ac libero pulnar in vulputate ipsum pretium. Aenean ornare luctus tempor. Nam idibus mauris tsemper eu erat.


Powerful, robust and intuitive composer

Sed aliquet est ac libero pulnar in vulputate ipsum pretium. Aenean ornare luctus tempor. Nam idibus mauris tsemper eu erat.


Truly rich email experience

Sed aliquet est ac libero pulnar in vulputate ipsum pretium. Aenean ornare luctus tempor. Nam idibus mauris tsemper eu erat.


Lightining fast and reliably safe

Sed aliquet est ac libero pulnar in vulputate ipsum pretium. Aenean ornare luctus tempor. Nam idibus mauris tsemper eu erat.


Always up to date to modern standards

Sed aliquet est ac libero pulnar in vulputate ipsum pretium. Aenean ornare luctus tempor. Nam idibus mauris tsemper eu erat.

Inbox outperformed competitors by a factor of 10. In the past, we would be lucky to send 1M emails in 4-5 hours. With Inbox, we send 1M emails in 10 minutes. Every second counts, Inbox is literally saving lives.

Mark Antoniou


Inbox outperformed competitors by a factor of 10. In the past, we would be lucky to send 1M emails in 4-5 hours. With Inbox, we send 1M emails in 10 minutes. Every second counts, Inbox is literally saving lives.

William John


Inbox outperformed competitors by a factor of 10. In the past, we would be lucky to send 1M emails in 4-5 hours. With Inbox, we send 1M emails in 10 minutes. Every second counts, Inbox is literally saving lives.

William John


Built to perform and exceed expectations!

The new version of the minimal and powerful email client built for Inbox by GFXPARTNER.
