Slope – Agency & Studio WordPress Theme


Slope is a premium multipurpose WordPress theme designed to suit the needs of modern startups, agencies or studios thinking of giving their brands a new face.

Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

To run WordPress Theme we recommend using a host that supports:

  • PHP version 7.0 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.

We recommend you make sure that your server PHP configuration limits are as follows:

  • max_execution_time 600
  • max_input_time 600
  • memory_limit 256M
  • post_max_size 128M
  • upload_max_filesize 128M
  • max_input_vars 3000

Procedure for installing Slope

  • Login to WordPress admin panel
  • Go to: Appearance -> Themes image
  • Click on the Add New button, then click on the Upload New image image
  • Upload theme zip file image
  • Click on the Activate button image

If you have problems installing WordPress theme. Visit this site

When the 'Slope' theme is activated. A prompt will appear at the top of the admin panel, prompting you to install required plugins.


Following is the list of plugins:

Procedure for installing child is same as of the parent theme. One thing to keep in mind is to install after installing the parent theme.

The demo content can be imported by following these steps:

  • Go to Appearance -> Import Demo Data. image
  • Click the button 'Import Demo Data'. image
  • Click the button 'Continue & Import' - wait for a while. If the import results in an error, try importing again. image
  • Congralutions! Demo data has been imported. image

After importing demo content, go to Settings -> Permalinks, check the 'Post name' radio button and click 'Save Changes'.

For further customization of the theme, you can go to Theme Panel.


The theme registers two custom post types Projects and Services. They are available in the admin dashboard. as shown in the screenshot.


The theme has custom-made Elementor widgets to display these custom post types, however in order to change the content of these custom post types, you have to make changes in the admin dashboard instead of the Elementor editor.


You customize the content of the project custom post type, by selecting the project as shown in screenshot.

cpt-2 cpt-3


You customize the content of the services custom post type, by selecting the service as shown in screenshot.

cpt-4 cpt-5

Here's a list of the sass files I'm using with this theme, you can find more information opening each file:

File Name Description
style.scss Main sass file
_globals.scss Sass file with most of the styles
_mixins.scss All mixins declarations
_variables.scss Variable declarations
_404.scss styles for 404 error page
_blog.scss styles related to blog
_buttons.scss styles related to buttons
_clients.scss styles related to client slider
_contact-form.scss styles related to contact form
_defaults.scss default theme styles
_footer.scss styles related to footer
_mixins.scss All the mixins used in the theme
_navigation.scss navigation styles
_preloader.scss styles for the preloader
_projects.scss styles related to projects post type
_search.scss styles for the search pages and search error pages
_services.scss styles related for the services post type
_tabs.scss tabs elementor widget styles
_team.scss styles for the team component
_testimonials.scss testimonial related styles
_typography.scss handle the theme typography
_wp-core.scss styles for the core WordPress


Here's a list of the stylesheet files we are using with this theme, you can find more information opening each file:

File Name Description
bootstrap.min.css Detault bootstrap css file
font-awesome.min.css Font Awesome font icons
swiper.min.css Swiper Slider css file
isotope.css Isotope css file
overlayScrollbars.min.css Overlay scrollbar css file
style.css Template main css

JavaScript Files

This is the list of all the javascipt files we used in our theme.

Tag Description
bootstrap.min.js Bootstrap js
bootstrap-select.min.js Select box formatting library
gsap.min.js Javascript animation library
isotope.pkgd.min.js Isotope Javascript library
jquery.overlayScrollbars.min.js Custom scrollbar Javascript library
popper.min.js Popper Javascript library
swiper-bundle.min.js Swiper Javascript library
main.js Primary Javascript file
jquery.min.js jQuery library

There is no included psd file with this item but you can purchase it separately by clicking here.

Once again, thanks for purchasing this theme and if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but we'll do our best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.